Why I walked away from a six figure C-suite career?

Why I walked away from a six figure C-suite career?
Why I walked away from a six figure C-suite career?

Here is where I will get emotional. This has been one of the most difficult things I had to do in my life. I will explain how I was able to choose me over “pride” and “money”. You will understand Why I walked away from a six figure C-suite career.

You will wonder what’s the benefit for you? I think sharing my path can help you to choose your health over anything else that may seem more important.

The Why?

I was in a deep state of stress and anxiety. Nothing I did to manage my vestibular migraine symptoms was good enough. The number of attacks didn’t decrease in number or severity.

My deep feelings of insatisfaction were more than I could bear. My mind felt fragile, not strong to withstand the pressure.

Being honest, by making this change I lost my six figures plus income. Was it worth it? Yes, yes and 1000% yes!! Regaining control of my time allowed me to focus on the important things in life: my health, family, friends, sharing and acquiring knowledge. It’s like the Mastercard commercial “Priceless”.

The how

First Step: Overcome people pleasing trap

My success in this area is driven by the ability to spot my behavior and rationalize the thoughts.

  1. Realize that at least 10% of the people you deal with won’t like you and there’s nothing you can do about it. I suffer from RSD so to me the 10% felt like 99%.
  2. Recognize that it is okay to think differently and disagree. Reflect always on other people’s opinions to find out if there’s value. In the end you are ok to disagree after evaluating say “no.” You do not have to agree to every request or expectation placed on you. It is important to set boundaries and prioritize your own needs and wants.
  3. Practice self-compassion. Be aware of what you tell yourself and listen to it in third person. By being kind to yourself and accepting your own imperfections will help you to feel less compelled to seek validation from others.
  4. Identify and challenge negative beliefs. Do you have a song in your head that sounds like “What’s wrong with me, what’s wrong with me?”. Let me tell you something, hope you believe it. NOTHING IS WRONG WITH YOU! You are only human and as such not perfect!
  5. Last but not least, know this: Your value does not reside on anybody’s opinion of yourself!! That’s a fact you need to remember every day, every minute, every second if necessary.

I will talk more about the process in future blog posts. For motivation and more look me up on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest.

By foggy.brain

Diagnosed with vestibular migraine in 2016, I was totally desperate thinking it was not worth living until I found a solution that has helped me live a normal life!

4 thoughts on “<strong>Why I walked away from a six figure C-suite career?</strong>”
  1. Hi there I came across your post on a Facebook migraine page and found your posts really interesting. I suffer from VM as well and on a journey to try and manage the best I can.
    How do I follow your regular posts the best way?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Kerri; thanks for your note. You can follow me on Facebook or Instagram. I post the links regularly so you can see what’s new.

      Foggy Brain

  2. My dear sister
    I am impressed by your ability to put yourself first and create this blog to help others with the same journey
    God bless you and your compassionate blog.

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