What is Tension Myoneural Syndrome (TMS)

So what is Tension Myoneural Syndrome (TMS)? Dr Sarno wrote a few books to explain the theory of this syndrome that causes of certain types of chronic illnesses like migraines. It basically talks about our brain’s need to mask underlying mind unresolved issues by creating physical symptoms.

Dr. Sarno’s TMS theory states that many cases of chronic illnesses or pain are caused by the mind. We are unconsciously creating tension in the muscles as a way to distract from repressed emotions and unconscious conflicts. His proposal is that this tension causes physical symptoms, and that those symptoms are not caused by structural problems.

This would possibly explain chronic dizziness or vestibular migraines!!! Of course is a theory that could be applicable in some cases.

Why does chronic TMS symptoms develop?

Factors like anxiety, stress and our tendency to react to pain with fear and trepidation may induce physiological changes in our nervous system, leading to the experience of a variety of symptoms that are not due to structural or tissue damage.

This concept is truly interesting as the cause of Chronic dizziness or vestibular migraine could be driven by a repressed anger from unresolved issues in your past.

In Dr. Sarno’s book he mostly refers to back pain but it does state this condition is applicable to a number of chronic symptoms. When you read with a mindset of looking to apply his method to control vestibular migraine dizziness you will learn:

  • How the mind-body connection can permanently heal dizziness
  • How accepting negative emotions like anger, anxiety, fear, or grief can reverse physical symptoms
  • How we condition ourselves to think dizziness is inevitable
  • Why you should resume physical activity as soon as possible
  • Sharing case histories and the results of his extensive, groundbreaking research, Dr. Sarno’s life-changing insights show readers how to banish dizziness and reclaim their lives for good.

Dr Sarno 12 Daily Reminders applied to Vestibular Migraine

The daily reminders are the key to resolve the mind induced dizziness:

  1. The dizziness is due to TMS, not to a structural abnormality
  2. The direct reason for the dizziness is mild oxygen deprivation
  3. TMS is a harmless condition caused by my repressed emotions
  4. The principal emotion is my repressed ANGER
  5. TMS exists only to distract my attentions from the emotions
  6. Since my brain (replace with whatever pain you’ve got) is basically normal there is nothing to fear
  7. Therefore, physical activity is not dangerous
  8. And I MUST resume all normal physical activity
  9. I will not be concerned or intimidated by the dizziness
  10. I will shift my attention from dizziness to the emotional issues
  11. I intend to be in control-NOT my subconscious mind
  12. I must think Psychological at all times, NOT physical.

Steps of TMS treatment according to Dr. Sarno

  1. Education: understanding the TMS theory. He recommended that patients read his book “Healing Back Pain“. I would recommend to read the concept thinking how you can apply this method to heal your dizziness.
  2. Recognizing the mind-body connection: mind and body are connected and that emotions can affect physical symptoms. He encouraged patients to pay attention to their thoughts and feelings and to look for patterns in their pain (on vestibular migraine sufferers it would be dizziness)
  3. Identifying repressed emotions: many cases of chronic pain (dizziness) is caused by repressed emotions, such as anger, anxiety, or sadness. He encouraged patients to journal their thoughts and feelings in order to identify these emotions.
  4. Accepting the dizziness: acknowledging that it is not caused by a structural problem is important in overcoming it. He encouraged patients to stop trying to “fix” the pain (dizziness) and instead focus on managing it.
  5. Changing thought patterns: changing thought patterns is key to overcoming TMS. He encouraged patients to challenge negative thoughts and to focus on positive self-talk.
  6. Follow-up: continue to monitor their thoughts and feelings in order to ensure that the TMS symptoms do not return.

By foggy.brain

Diagnosed with vestibular migraine in 2016, I was totally desperate thinking it was not worth living until I found a solution that has helped me live a normal life!

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