I wanted to share my experience on what do I feel with vestibular migraine. This subject as it can be quite devastating.  When doctors were suggesting silly stuff to try (i.e., square breathing technique to get rid of your vestibular migraine symptoms). I felt like they were not taking me seriously.  I took it personally making my feelings spiral and consequently stress more and aggravate my condition.

Even if you think doctor’s suggestions are stupid, try, what is the worse that could happen? Well, the worse is nothing! 

What to do?

It is important that while you are in the middle of your journey that you find time to reflect. Avoid focusing on why vestibular migraine happened. Calm down and learn from what didn’t work.  Planning your next move is key, there’s nothing better than acting. Avoid staying still and giving into self-pity thoughts! And avoid ruminating on the question “what do I feel like this with vestibular migraine?”

Try this, it works!

Schedule a very limited time to feel sorry for yourself. Yes you read right!. Once your time is up then you must push you to act.  By action I mean research other options and depending on your budget plan for visits to different service providers. Could be acupuncturists, physiotherapists, naturopaths, Chinese/Natural medicine practitioners.  Putting yourself out there allows for ideas that could lead to solutions.

My approach

I had a very intense approach, not saying it is the best or the only way just sharing.  I did it all, vestibular therapy, acupuncture, naturopath, chiropractor, massage therapy, yoga, meditation, etc.  Where I failed miserably is keeping track of how I felt after each treatment, so I missed opportunities to get better.  Obviously not everything worked but I ended up not knowing what improved my condition.

It was a very vicious cycle as “nothing” worked I got desperate, doing it all gave me the false sense I’ve tried everything!  I could not be farther away from the truth.  I had highs and lows during this time.  Highs when a discovered a new possible treatment, put all my hope and effort into it, then lows when it didn’t work or worked for a little bit, but systems came back. My desperation pushed me be open to new ideas and keep trying.

In a way my negativity and self-pity thoughts pushed me to change as I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.  I must admit that I could have taken a positive approach and instead of making myself miserable during all the attempts I could have taken advantage of documenting what didn’t work and move into the next phase. 


  • Try each option, track, measure and take what works or at least record what does not work.
  • Keep an open mind to try new things, you don’t have to believe it will work for them to make a difference. It’s ok to be sceptical, is not ok to stand still.

By foggy.brain

Diagnosed with vestibular migraine in 2016, I was totally desperate thinking it was not worth living until I found a solution that has helped me live a normal life!