My vestibular migraine journey

This is my vestibular migraine journey – from day one to today including the steps I took to almost complete healing.
The beginning
During the winter of 2016 while visiting my son at university I felt dizzy suddenly. I thought at that time it might have something to do with a possible ear infection given how cold it was. Since that moment the lightheadedness feeling didn’t left. I started thinking that maybe it was driven by new supplements I started taking (Chondroitin) so I quit immediately. The dizziness remained after a week or so then I thought it could be blood pressure changes. I have always had a low blood pressure so I thought that might be the cause. I started taking my blood pressure twice a day but nothing, it was totally normal.
Looking for answers
After a few months of feeling this way I went to my family physician who recommended “Box Breathing” exercise as she assumed it could be anxiety only. Left her office really disappointed and angry. Eventually after another few weeks I came back and demanded to be taken seriously. She ordered a few hormonal tests as she suspected it could be a hormonal imbalance. The results came in perfect, nothing was wrong. Then we tried with an ear specialist, lots of tests and nothing was wrong. Next a neck specialist, same nothing was wrong.
Next my physician ordered an MRI, a small tumour was found near the pituitary gland. After seeing an specialist (neurologist) he told me most people have this type of tumours and given the size and position it has no impact at all and I should not be worried.
Then I decided to look for a third party service “Best Doctors”, sent all my documents and exams for them to analyze with a group of doctors.
The above took over 12 visits to my family physician and roughly 16 months. During this time the dizziness never left and at times it was so bad I could not walk, drive or even function.
I decided to look for alternative options so I tried:
- 20 sessions with a Chiropractor with no results whatsoever
- 2 Internist consults with no diagnosis or a path forward
- 12 sessions with an acupuncturist. This one was the worse, not sure if the practitioner was the issue but after the sessions I had to crawl back to my car as I could not even stand from the dizziness.
- 24 sessions with a Naturopath. She recommended few supplements and IV vitamin treatments. Both helped with my energy and bran fog but not the dizziness.
At this stage a response came back from Best Doctors saying the group of physicians that reviewed my case diagnosed as “Vestibular Migraine”
The disbelieve
I refused to believe I had something called “vestibular migraine”. The treatment plan they recommended was to start on antidepressants. As they explained to me the antidepresive medication has a side effect that helps preventing vestibular migraines.
I bluntly refused to take any medication and insisted to be checked again as I could not believe the diagnosis. The symptoms were so severe at this time it was taking my life away from me.
It could not be a migraine, I just didn’t accept it. At this stage I was not able to drive so I started taking the bus to work. I tried as best as I could to get used to the dizziness, brain fog and sensation of falling.
For over 2 years I “managed” but really all I was able to do is use all my energy going to work and come back home almost in pieces to lay down until the next day.
I was a victim of my situation, I was not in control. One night the dizziness was so severe I could not sleep all I could think that night is that there has to be something out there that can help.
The following day I googled “dizziness therapy” and found there is something called Balance Physio Therapist. Inmediately I booked an appointment with the nearest clinic.
And then I went , even though the exam was good and nothing was found the technician said she thinks it could be “Vestibular Migraine”
It was a couple years since I heard that. This time I was ready and desperate to try anything. If this is what I have then I needed to find what to do. The physio therapist recommended me to read the HYH diet book and join a Facebook group for people with vestibular migraine.
The breakthrough
I bought the book the same day after the session. Started reading with such thirst for answers I think I finished it in a day (or two). I saw a path forward.
The HYH diet removes lots of possible triggers so I went all in. My family thankfully was very supportive and on board. I bought 100% of the supplements suggestion and followed the elimination diet very precisely. I took a couple of week until I woke up one day not knowing what was happening with me. At this stage I had been with dizziness and brain fog every day for over 4 years.
The feeling was really strange, it took me a few minutes to realize the DIZZINESS was gone!! I could not believe it, didn’t remember what normal looked like!
Despite my happiness and joy I didn’t want to say anything to my family until a few days after just to make sure it was real, that the symptoms were actually gone.
The recovery and maintenance
During moments of high stress I would still get the dizziness and brain fog back. Very rarely I would be nauseous or feel like fainting which was a great plus.
I remained taking the supplements and following the diet for a couple of years, then decided to go full vegan to eliminate inflammatory foods all together.
HYH book saved me! I have been able to introduce lots of foods without consequences, not coffee unfortunately that remains as a big trigger still. But from time to time I can have a nice glass of wine with cheese and won’t feel anything the next day.
I had had few episodes this year maybe 4 at the most, one of them lasted 3 weeks but going back to strict diet plus supplements helps me bring balance back to my life.
I hope truly that my experiences, tips and comments allow you to become migraine free one day!