Most Complete Comprehensive Guide to Eating for Migraine Relief

Most Complete Comprehensive Guide to Eating for Migraine Relief
Most Complete Comprehensive Guide to Eating for Migraine Relief

Most Complete Comprehensive Guide to Eating for Migraine Relief will include a list of all the food you can have and the ones to avoid. You can also look into HYH article for additional insights on trigger Foods. You can pick from the list and create recipes 100% Migraine-friendly foods to ensure your food intake is less likely to trigger or worsen migraines.

Vegetables Allowed
All pure, fresh or frozen vegetables and their juices:
• Acorn Squash
• Artichoke
• Arugula
• Asparagus
• Bamboo Shoots
• Bell Peppers
• Bok Choi
• Broccoli
• Brussels Sprouts
• Butternut Squash
• Cabbage
• Canary Melon
• Cantaloupe
• Carrots
• Cauliflower
• Celery
• Collard greens
• Corn
• Cucumber
• Endive
• Escarole
• Fennel
• Garlic
• Honeydew
• Kabocha Squash
• Kale
• Kelp
• Leeks
• Lettuces
• Mustard Greens
• Parsnips
• Radishes
• Rutabaga
• Spaghetti Squash
• Swiss chard
• Taro root
• Water Chestnuts
• Watercress
• Watermelon
• Zucchini
• Any others not on the list to avoid
Vegetables to Avoid
• Avocado (tyramine)
• Beets, red (nitrates)
• Eggplant (histamine, tyramine, nitrites)
• Fava or broad beans (tyramine)
• Green peas (tyramine)
• Olives (histamine, tyramine)
• Onion (none of the known problematic food
chemicals, but listed in traditional migraine diets)
• Potato (tyramine)
• Pumpkin (histamine)
• Snow peas (tyramine)
• Spinach (histamine, nitrites)
• Sweet potato (tyramine)
• Tomato and all tomato products (histamine,
tyramine, sulfites, nitrites)
*Many additional vegetables contain nitrates/nitrites, but
excluding them is not necessary to start.

Fruits Allowed
All pure, fresh or frozen fruit and their juices:
• Apples
• Coconut
• Figs
• Guava
• Kiwi
• Longans
• Lychees
• Mango
• Passion Fruit
• Pears
• Persimmons
• Pomegranate
• Rhubarb
• Star fruit

Fruits to Avoid
• Apricot (histamine)
• Bananas (tyramine)
• Cherry (histamine)
• Citrus—oranges, limes, lemons, grapefruit
• Cranberry (histamine)
• Currant (histamine)
• Date (histamine)
• Grapes (sulfites)
• Loganberry (histamine)
• Mulberry (histamine)
• Nectarine (histamine)
• Papaya (histamine)
• Peaches (histamine)
• Pineapple (histamine)
• Plums (histamine, tyramine)
• Prunes (histamine, tyramine, sulfites)
• Raisins (histamine)
• Raisins (tyramine, sulfites)
• Raspberries (histamine, tyramine)
• Strawberries (histamine)
• Any overripe fruit (tyramine)
• Any dried fruit that doesn’t say sulfite-free (sulfites)

Meat, Fish and Eggs Allowed
• Beef (not aged)
• Pork
• Chicken
• Turkey (white meat may be better than dark)
• Lamb
• Goat
• Eggs, only with fully cooked egg white
• All meat should be cooked or frozen within a day of
purchasing, cooked leftovers can be frozen.
• Only use ground meat if you grind it yourself or have
a butcher do it right before you buy it.
• Slow-cooking methods, like in a Crockpot
or oven roasted should be avoided.
• If grilling, try to minimize char marks.
• Fish that is gutted and cooked within 30 minutes of
being caught is fine, but not many of us have access
to that! Frozen fish may be OK; it depends on how
long it sat before it was gutted and frozen.
Meat, Fish and Eggs to Avoid
• Cured, smoked, aged, processed, canned, or
tenderized meats—like bacon, hot dogs, prosciutto,
pepperoni, lunch meat, etc. (histamine, tyramine,
• Pre-ground meat (if you grind it yourself or have a
butcher grind it right before you buy it, ground meat
should be OK) (histamine)
• Old or leftover meat—meat should be cooked or
frozen within a day of purchasing, cooked leftovers
should be frozen immediately (histamine, tyramine)
• Liver from any animal (histamine, tyramine)
• Any game meat (histamine, tyramine)
• All fish and shellfish (histamine)
• Raw egg white (histamine)

Dairy Allowed
• Plain milk (cow, goat, or sheep)
• Cream
• Butter
• Some preparations of ricotta, cream cheese,
mascarpone, farmer’s cheese, paneer, or quark—as
long as they have no microbial enzymes, gums,
thickeners, or other restricted ingredients
• Ice cream with no restricted ingredients
*Histamine and tyramine can form in as the get older
Dairy to avoid
• Any fermented dairy products, like cheese, sour
cream, processed cheese, buttermilk, yogurt, kefir
(histamine, MSG, tyramine)
*Some people report that avoiding all dairy has reduced
their migraine frequency.

Legumes Allowed
• Black Beans
• Navy Beans
• Pinto Beans
• Lentils (not red)
• Black-eyed peas
• Split peas
• Peanuts
• Pure peanut butter
Legumes to Avoid
• Soybeans and all soy products (histamine, sulfites)
• Red beans (histamine)
• Fava or broad beans (tyramine)
*Traditional migraine diets say to avoid all legumes. If you decided to avoid all legumes, don’t forget that peanut butter is a legume.

Nuts and Seeds
Avoid all nuts and seeds. Walnuts and pecans definitely contain tyramine. The tyramine content of the others is debated, but traditional migraine diets recommend avoiding them. Coconut (a nut) and quinoa and amaranth (seeds) are borderline foods—some are fine with them, others are not.

Grains, Cereals, Bread, Baked Goods Allowed
Any pure, unbleached flour or grain: wheat, kasha,
rye, buckwheat, millet, teff, amaranth, kamut, wheat
berries, sorghum, tapioca, spelt, bulgur, barley
• Rice, wild rice
• Corn, popcorn
• Oatmeal, oats (unflavored)
• Pasta from approved ingredients (basic semolina
pasta is fine as long as it doesn’t have additives)
• Breakfast cereals with allowed ingredients, including
all plain grains, oatmeal, corn flakes, shredded
wheat, puffed rice, puffed wheat, puffed kamut,
cream of rice, cream of wheat
• Baked goods leavened with baking soda: biscuits,
quick breads, muffins, scones, soda bread, scones
• Crackers with allowed ingredients (Triscuit-type
crackers, water crackers, and some saltines are
usually a good bet)
• Small servings of yeast-risen bread products ar
Grains, Cereals, Bread, Baked Goods to Eat to Avoid
Bleached flour (histamine)
• Modified flour (sulfites)
• Modified gluten (sulfites)
• Barley malt (sulfites)
• Any containing restricted ingredients
*Some people report avoiding gluten has reduced their
migraine frequency.

Fats, Oils, and Sauces Allowed
• Canola
• Corn
• Safflower
• Sunflower
• Olive (olives are out, but many people do fine with
small amounts of olive oil)
• Homemade condiments and relishes using allowed

Fats, Oils, and Sauces to Avoid
• Vinegar
• Any fats or oils that contain color and/or
preservatives (histamine)
• Soybean oil
• Margarine
• Prepared salad dressings with restricted ingredients
(which are most of them)
• Prepared gravies
• Prepared condiments and relishes, including
ketchup, mustard and sauerkraut (histamine, sulfites,
• Soy sauce (histamine, tyramine, MSG)
Teryiaki sauce (tyramine)
• Most commercial salad dressing (histamine)
• Fish sauce (tyramine, MSG)
Herbs, Spices, and Seasonings Allowed
• Basil
• Bay leaf
• Black pepper
• Caraway
• Cardamom
• Celery seeds
• Chives
• Coriander
• Cumin
• Dill
• Ginger
• Mint
• Oregano
• Parsley
• Poppy seed
• Rosemary
• Sage
• Savory
• Thyme
• Turmeric
Herbs, Spices, and Seasonings to Avoid
Anise (histamine)
• Cinnamon (histamine)
• Cloves (histamine)
• Curry powder (histamine)
• Hot paprika (histamine)
• Nutmeg (histamine)
• Prepared foods labeled “with spices” (histamine, MSG)

Sweets Allowed
• Honey
• Stevia (with no additives, the only one I’ve found is
Whole Foods brand)
• Molasses
• Maple syrup (real)
• Molasses
• Corn syrup
• Pure jams, jellies, marmalades, conserves made
with allowed ingredients
• Homemade sweets and baked goods with allowed
Sweets to Avoid
• All chocolate and cocoa (histamine)
• Flavored gelatin (histamine)
• Artificial sweeteners (histamine)
• Flavored syrups (histamine)
• Prepared desert fillings (histamine)
• Prepared icings, frostings (histamine)
• Spreads with restricted ingredients (histamine)
• Cake decorations (histamine)
Commercial candies (histamine)

Miscellaneous Allowed
• Baking powder
• Baking soda
• Cream of tartar
• Plain gelatin
• Homemade relishes and sauces with allowed
Miscellaneous to Avoid
• Mincemeat (histamine)
• Miso (histamine, tyramine)
Pickles (histamine, tyramine, sulfites, nitrites, MSG)
• Anything fermented (histamine, tyramine)
• Coleslaw (nitrates, sulfites)
• Sauerkraut (histamine, tyramine)
Drinks Allowed
• Water
• Mineral water
• Juice from allowed fruits, vegetables
• Homemade ginger ale
• Coffee (limit to one cup a day if caffeinated; if decaf,
make sure it is decaffeinated using a water process
rather than chemicals – chemical decaffeination is
the norm, The Coffee Bean is the only large chain I
know of that uses a water process for decaf)
• Herbal tea made from allowed herbs and spices
(ginger and peppermint are the most common, holy
basil is another option, chamomile should be fine)
• Plain vodka, gin or white rum are the least
problematic alcoholic beverages, but any alcohol can
be a trigger; it’s best to avoid all alcohol to ge
Drinks to Avoid
• Fruit juices and cocktails made with restricted
ingredients (histamine)
• Carbonated beverages other than mineral water
• Soda (caffeine, sulfites, histamine)
Coffee (caffeine): decaf OK only if decaffeinated
without chemicals
• Tea: black, green, or white, even decaffeinated
(histamine, caffeine)
• All drinks with “flavor” or “spices” (histamine, MSG)
• Fermented beverages (histamine, tyramine)
• All alcohol (histamine, tyramine, sulfites)

Additives to Avoid
Avoid prepared foods with any of these ingredients (you may find it easiest to avoid prepared foods altogether):
• Artificial colors (histamine, MSG)
• Artificial flavors (histamine, MSG)
• Benzoyl peroxide (used to bleach wheat) (histamine)
• BHA (histamine)
• BHT (histamine)
• Calcium hydrogen sulfite (sulfite)
• Calcium sulfite (sulfite)
• Guar gum (MSG)
• Hydrolyzed lecithin (histamine)
• Microbial cultures (histamine)
• Microbial enzymes (histamine)
• MSG: MSG hides under more than 40 different names! For a complete list, check this link
• Potassium hydrogen sulfite (sulfite)
• Potassium meatbisulfite (sulfite)
• Potassium sulfite (sulfite)
• Preservatives (histamine, MSG)
• Sodium bisulfite (sulfite)
• Sodium hydrogen sulfite (sulfite)
• Sodium meatbisulfite (sulfite)
• Sodium sulfie (sulfite)
• Sulfite ammonia caramel (sulfite)
• Sulfur dioxide (sulfite)
• Yeast, yeast extract, brewer’s yeast, nutritional yeast (tyramine, MSG)

By foggy.brain

Diagnosed with vestibular migraine in 2016, I was totally desperate thinking it was not worth living until I found a solution that has helped me live a normal life!