Hydration for Managing Vestibular Migraines

Hydration for Managing Vestibular Migraines refers to the process of replenishing the body’s water levels, which is essential for good health.
Here are some benefits of hydration for vestibular migraines:
- Reduces symptoms of dizziness: by drinking enough water you can reduce the intensity of these symptoms and feel more stable.
- Helps balance fluids in the inner ear: The inner ear is sensitive to changes in fluid levels and pressure, and dehydration can cause imbalances that trigger migraines.
- Regulates body temperature: to prevent overheating, which can trigger migraines in some people
- Improves blood flow: it is essential for reducing the frequency and severity of migraines.
- Supports healthy brain function: The brain is mostly composed of water, and proper hydration is essential for healthy brain function.
- Reduces stress: by improving cognitive function, also helps balance hormones, which play a key role in stress response.
- Supports healthy digestion: important for maintaining healthy digestion and preventing digestive problems, which can trigger migraines in some people
Here are some tips for staying hydrated and benefiting from hydration for vestibular migraines:
- Drink water regularly: Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, and more if you are physically active or live in a hot climate.
- Avoid dehydrating substances: Limit your consumption of caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate the body plus are major vestibular migraine triggers. Stick to herbal teas.
- Keep track of your fluid intake: Keep a water bottle with you and track how much you are drinking throughout the day.
Also might be good to have snacks that incorporate foods that contain the most water:
- Watermelon: This juicy fruit is made up of about 92% water
- Strawberries: 91% water and are also a good source of vitamin C.
- Cantaloupe: This melon is about 90% water and is also a good source of vitamins A and C.
- Cucumber: are about 96% water and are a good source of hydration, as well as vitamins C and K.
- Lettuce: Leafy greens like lettuce are about 95% water and are also a good source of fiber and vitamins A and K.
- Bell peppers: 92% water and are also a good source of vitamins C and B6.
- Zucchini: 95% water and is a good source of fiber and vitamins C and K.
Water intake plays a key role, personally by ensuring proper intake I have been able to reduce the number of attacks. Sometimes is hard to incorporate into your routine but try your best to drink water all day long to reap the benefits of hydration and lead a more migraine-free life
Diagnosed with vestibular migraine in 2016, I was totally desperate thinking it was not worth living until I found a solution that has helped me live a normal life!
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