How to Get Approved for Vestibular Migraine Disability

How to Get Approved for Vestibular Migraine Disability

How to Get Approved for Vestibular Migraine Disability: you will need to provide medical evidence and how they impact your ability to function.

I did consider applying for Disability benefits but my pride got in the way. See below the details of my search, hope you are more courageous that I was. There’s truly no shame on asking for help when you need it.

The first step is to document and prepare the case. You will need to provide documentation of your disability, including medical reports and other relevant information. For migraines specifically, you will need to provide medical evidence of your migraine diagnosis, the frequency and severity of your migraines, and how they impact your ability to function in your daily life.

If you are considering applying for disability benefits, it’s best to consult with a qualified disability attorney or advocate who can guide you through the process and help you prepare your application. Also, you should consult with your physician to provide a detailed medical report to support your application.

Keep in mind that the process of applying for disability benefits can be complex and time-consuming, and it’s important to be prepared with all the necessary documentation and medical evidence.

Every country is different so the best option is to gather your documentation and consult an attorney. To learn more on How to Get Approved for Vestibular Migraine Disability policies in other countries, follow these links: United KingdomAustraliaCanada.

Steps to Follow to apply for Migraine Disability Benefits

Build a Migraine Dairy

Use a diary for at least three months to record: dates, symptoms and impact to your daily life. Be very honest and document everything. The most important aspect is to show that your migraine attacks are frequent and severe enough that prevent you from carrying out the tasks required to work.

Get your Doctor’s Recommendation

Probably the most important step. You must have been working with a qualified doctor. Also have to have history of the medical treatment tried to bring your migraine attacks to a manageable level.

It would be fruitless to apply for migraine disability benefits without getting your doctor’s recommendation. During the process and in the event your need to appeal a denied claim your doctor will be required to be involved.

Educate the Government Officials

Likely the person evaluating your claim has no idea about vestibular migraine. As a migraineur you are the expert and should share valuable insights to help them understand your condition.

Outline every symptom that you experience with a typical migraine attack at each of the potential phases: prodrome, aura, headache, and postdrome. Most important, show how those symptoms impact your daily functioning and your ability to work.

Be Specific About Your Case

How does dizziness affect your ability to work? Focus on your disability, not your illness. Proving that you are ill is the first step, but it is not enough for a decision in your favor. The main concern of the government officials is to ensure you do not have the ability to perform daily tasks due to migraine attacks.

Be very specific in laying out the level of impairment. It is important to be honest. This is not a time for feel shame or minimize your symptoms. It is ok to show you are in need. I stress this a lot, I was too afraid of appearing weak so I backed out of filing a claim. I should have been truthful to myself and share my needs.

Include details of your work history, if you have lost a job and failed to meet ther requirements due to your condition. As said before the Government officials will award benefits only after it determines that you are unable to perform a job requirement due to migraine attacks frequency and severity.

Final thoughts

Be thorough, detailed, specific and truthful. Before you start be aware you may need to appeal so be ready and have resiliency and patience with the process.

Last thought based on my experience, if you are suffering, do not be afraid to apply for disability. As I started sharing there is no shame in asking for help when you need it. If you persist and fight for yourself you will see the rewards.

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