Discover the Miraculous Benefits of Having a Pet
Discover the Miraculous Benefits of Having a Pet

Discover the Miraculous Benefits of Having a Pet, pets are more than just furry friends – they are valued members of the family and a source of comfort, support, and love. For those living with vestibular migraines or other chronic illnesses, pets can play an especially important role in improving quality of life and managing the symptoms of their conditions.

The Benefits of Pet Ownership for Chronic Illness

  • Emotional Support: having a chronic illness can be a lonely and isolating experience, but pets provide a constant source of emotional support and unconditional love. The simple act of petting an animal has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Physical Health: they can become your partner, regular exercise with a pet, such as taking a walk or playing fetch, can improve cardiovascular health, reduce pain and stiffness, and increase overall physical function.
  • Social Interaction: Pets can also provide a reason to engage with others and get outside the house. This can lead to new social connections and a greater sense of community for those with chronic illness.
  • Increased Motivation: Pets can provide motivation to care for one’s own health, as they rely on their owners for their own well-being. This sense of responsibility can increase self-esteem and improve overall mood.

Choosing the Right Pet for Chronic Illness

When choosing a pet, it’s important to consider your specific needs and limitations. Think about the following before making a choice:

  • Energy level: Some pets require a lot of physical activity and exercise, while others are more low-maintenance and content with simply lounging on the couch.
  • Size: Larger pets may be more difficult to manage for those with physical limitations, while smaller pets can be easier to care for and take up less space.
  • Care requirements: Some pets require more attention and care than others.

Pets recommended for migraineurs

Keeping in mind your symptoms it is important that you understand your limits. If you have vestibular migraine and a major trigger is motion or sound, your choices should lean towards a calm pet that does not require lots of maintenance. Some options below:

  • Cats: they are often low-maintenance and provide a calming presence. They also require minimal exercise, making them easy to care for.
  • Dogs (small breeds): Small dogs are often easy to manage, and some breeds are known for their calm and relaxed demeanor. But not all breeds are the same, do your research before making a commitment.
  • Fish: Fish can provide a calming and relaxing atmosphere, and also low-maintenance. Watching fish swim can be therapeutic and help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Birds: Not my favourite but some bird species, such as parakeets or canaries, are relatively low-maintenance. They can provide a calming presence in the home.


Pet ownership can bring joy and comfort, but it can also be challenging for individuals with chronic illnesses. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Prioritize self-care: take steps to manage symptoms, so that you can provide the best care for your pet.
  • Plan ahead: make arrangements for pet care during times when symptoms are severe.
  • Get help: Ask friends, family, or neighbors for assistance with pet care if needed. Consider hiring a professional pet sitter or dog walker. Have one handy as you may be surprised by an attack and unable to search for one.
  • Keep your pet healthy: Regular vet visits, proper nutrition, and exercise are important. Work with your veterinarian to develop a care plan that meets your pet’s needs and your physical limitations.
  • Make accommodations: Make accommodations for your pet, such as providing a comfortable bed or crate. To help them feel safe and secure during times when you are unable to provide care.
  • Seek support: Seek support from others, such as pet support groups or online communities. It is important to connect with others who are in similar situations and share tips and advice.

I can share my experience, I have a lovely cat and a little dog that are my source of comfort, support, and love during difficult times. Just last week I had a severe attack and my little dog never left my side. She slept with me and helped me feel loved. Whether you’re looking for emotional support, physical health benefits, or simply a new best friend, a pet can be the perfect companion on the journey toward better health.

If you have made your decision I would recommend to consider adopting a pet and change for better another live if you can.

By foggy.brain

Diagnosed with vestibular migraine in 2016, I was totally desperate thinking it was not worth living until I found a solution that has helped me live a normal life!