Amazing Vestibular Migraine Relief Resources
Amazing Vestibular Migraine Relief Resources

Amazing Vestibular Migraine Relief Resources include few recipes with links, cookbooks, plans and medical books to help you. I started removing all trigger foods from my diet I found it very difficult to plan for meals. That’s when I started looking for resources online to help me. Doing it alone could be complicated, having resources to consult while planning your grocery shopping and meal prep is ideal.

I will recommend you to learn to identify your triggers before you move forward. I will share the books and resources I found very helpful, educating yourself is vital to be able to stick to the plan to recover!

My Favourite Recipes

Cookbooks and Resources

Medical Books

  • Victory Over Vestibular Migraine: The ACTION Plan for Healing & Getting Your Life Back:
    • Everything you wanted to know about vestibular migraine. All your questions about vestibular migraine finally answered. Focused on sound, practical, science-based advice to help you get your life back, the ACTION plan for a holistic treatment strategy for vestibular migraine.
  • Heal Your Headache: The 1-2-3 Program for Taking Charge of Your Pain:
    • Based on the breakthrough understanding that virtually all headaches are forms of migraine—because migraine is not a specific type of headache, but the built-in mechanism that causes headaches of all kinds, along with neck stiffness, sinus congestion, dizziness, and other problems—Dr. Buchholz’s Heal Your Headache offers a simple, transforming program.

Journals and Trackers

By foggy.brain

Diagnosed with vestibular migraine in 2016, I was totally desperate thinking it was not worth living until I found a solution that has helped me live a normal life!