
About me: Since I was little kid I suffered of migraine attacks, actually without knowing it. Until I was diagnosed with vestibular migraine I didn’t really tried to manage or look for help. It was only when dizziness took over that I realized I need to take action.

About my journey can be helpful for anyone suffering with this condition, my hope is that I can bring dome light to the moments of darkness this disease brings, be the hand for the many fallen and a warm hug to the ones in need.

Over the last few years I have found lots of options to help you in your journey to get better. To all migraine conditions, specially dizziness. You will find great ideas on how to decrease the severity of each migraine attack. Also you will find inspiration to avoid feeling sorry for yourself and waste time worrying. I believe action steps are move valuable and I will share it all with you.

Of course I will also share the bad, what didn’t work and the times of desperation. I walked down the dark alley therefore I won’t tell anything I didn’t try by experience. Will tell you how to overcome the darkest moments when you feel there’s no hope. The highlight of my blog will be recovery and improvement, how to manage, find relief and if possible cure. You have to believe there is hope for you!.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Vestibular Migraine Blog Support at [email protected] or visit me on Facebook or Instagram .

Foggy Brain