Relieve Vestibular Migraine Symptoms Naturally with a Powerful Anti-Inflammatory

Relieve Vestibular Migraine Symptoms Naturally with a Powerful Anti-Inflammatory
Relieve Vestibular Migraine Symptoms Naturally with a Powerful Anti-Inflammatory

Relieve Vestibular Migraine Symptoms Naturally with a Powerful Anti-Inflammatory, Ginger is a well-known and widely used natural remedy for many health conditions, including dizziness. The main symptom for vestibular migraines! Dizziness is a debilitating symptom that affects a person’s quality of life. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the ways ginger can help with dizziness.

Ginger for dizziness

Ginger is a flowering plant that is widely used as a spice and natural remedy for various health conditions. The root of the ginger plant contains compounds called gingerols and shogaols, which are responsible for its medicinal properties. Ginger has anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, and antioxidant properties and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine.

Ginger Benefits

Here are some ways ginger can help with dizziness:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body, including in the inner ear which is the origin of dizziness.
  • Improves blood flow in the body, including to the brain. Improved blood flow provides more oxygen to the brain and reduces the risk of low blood pressure.
  • Nausea relief by increasing gastric emptying, which can help food move more quickly through the digestive system.
  • Calms the nervous system, which can help reduce anxiety and stress, two factors that can contribute to dizziness symptoms.
  • Boosts the immune system that can help the body fight off infections and reduce inflammation. This can be helpful for reducing dizziness symptoms caused by inner ear infections or other infections in the body.

How to use ginger for dizziness

There are many ways to use ginger to help manage dizziness symptoms, including:

  • Ginger tea is a simple and effective way to get the benefits of ginger. Simply add a few slices of fresh ginger to hot water and let steep for a few minutes. Drink the tea 2-3 times a day for best results.
  • Ginger supplements are available in capsule form and can be an easy way to get the benefits of ginger. Follow the recommended dosage on the label.
  • Ginger oil use it topically to help relieve dizziness symptoms. Simply mix a few drops of ginger oil with a carrier oil (such as coconut oil) and massage onto the temples and back of the neck.

I have been using Ginger for a little over 3 years, I prefer supplements as the taste in a tea is a bit bitter for me, try the form that you enjoy the most and see for yourself!!

By foggy.brain

Diagnosed with vestibular migraine in 2016, I was totally desperate thinking it was not worth living until I found a solution that has helped me live a normal life!