
Vestibular Migraine Advocate

My Blog will address a wide range of information that can be important for migraine sufferers.

  • Understanding the triggers: such as stress, lack of sleep, changes in weather, certain foods, and hormonal changes. Understanding one’s personal triggers can help with preventative measures and early management of migraines.
  • Medications: only little bit as I have a personal choice which is not to use chemicals to treat my conditions.
  • Non-medication treatments: such as stress management techniques, exercise, relaxation techniques, and dietary changes.
  • Lifestyle modifications: such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, reducing stress, and avoiding triggers, can help prevent migraines and manage symptoms.
  • Coping strategies: for reducing stress, managing symptoms during an attack, and maintaining a positive outlook.
  • Understanding the condition: including its causes, symptoms, and treatment options, can help with making informed decisions and advocating for one’s own health needs.

My Blog will include as well my life story. The hope is to provide a venue for:

  • Connection with others
  • Inspiration and motivation
  • Understanding and empathy
  • Legacy and legacy building

I will also expand this area to talk about:

  • My experience as a C-Suite Executive in a man’s world
  • My journey with vestibular migraine
  • My Mental Health which will bring a flavour for all the traumas in my childhood
  • Tools to succeed in your career
  • Tools to overcome your mental health issues