Are Migraine Glasses Right for You? A Comprehensive Guide
Are Migraine Glasses Right for You? A Comprehensive Guide

Are Migraine Glasses Right for You, A Comprehensive Guide fo you, if you are one of the many people who suffer from migraines, you know how debilitating they can be. Migraines can cause intense pain, sensitivity to light, and a host of other symptoms that can make it difficult to go about your daily life. However, there is a new tool in the fight against migraines: migraine glasses.

In this blog, we will discuss what migraine glasses are, how to know if they are right for you, the benefits they provide, and how they compare to traditional sunglasses.

What Are Migraine Glasses?

Migraine glasses are a type of eyewear that is designed specifically for people who suffer from migraines. They are made with special lenses that filter out the specific wavelengths of light that can trigger migraines. These lenses are often tinted or polarized to provide additional protection against bright light and glare.

Migraine glasses work by blocking certain wavelengths of light that can trigger migraines and exacerbate light sensitivity. When light enters the eye, it travels through the cornea and lens before being focused onto the retina at the back of the eye. The retina contains specialized cells called photoreceptors that detect light and send signals to the brain, which interprets the signals as visual information.

However, in people with migraines, exposure to certain types of light can trigger a cascade of physiological events that lead to migraine symptoms. This can include the release of neurotransmitters, changes in blood flow to the brain, and increased sensitivity of the trigeminal nerve, which is responsible for facial sensation and pain.

Migraine glasses work by selectively filtering out certain wavelengths of light that trigger these physiological events. For example, FL-41 glasses block specific wavelengths of light between 480 and 520 nanometers. Blue-light blocking glasses, on the other hand, block blue light in the 400 to 500 nanometer range, which can help reduce eye strain and migraines caused by digital screens.

By blocking these specific wavelengths of light, migraine glasses can help reduce the severity and frequency of migraines, as well as alleviate symptoms such as eye strain and light sensitivity.

Types of Migraine Glasses

  • Tinted glasses are a type of migraine glasses that have colored lenses to help reduce the amount of light that enters the eye. They can be helpful for people who experience migraines triggered by bright light, fluorescent light, or computer screens.
  • FL-41 glasses are a specific type of tinted glasses that block Fluorecent, Computer and Digital Screen and LED light. They have a rose-colored tint and are often recommended for people with light sensitivity.
  • Polarized glasses have lenses that reduce glare and improve contrast, which can be helpful for people who experience migraines triggered by bright sunlight or reflections.
  • Blue-light blocking glasses are designed to reduce the amount of blue light that enters the eye, which can be helpful for people who experience migraines triggered by digital screens or LED lights.
  • Wraparound glasses are a type of migraine glasses that have a curved frame that provides more coverage and protection from light. They can be helpful for people who are particularly sensitive to light.
  • Prescription migraine glasses are designed for people who need corrective lenses to see clearly. They can be customized with tinted or polarized lenses to help reduce light sensitivity and prevent migraines.

Identifying if migraine glasses are right for you

Here are some steps that you can take to help determine if migraine glasses might be helpful for you:

  • Keep a migraine diary: Keeping a record of your migraines, including when they occur, how long they last, and any triggers that you notice, can help you identify patterns and potential triggers.
  • Monitor your light sensitivity: Pay attention to how different lighting conditions affect you. If you notice that bright lights, fluorescent lights, or computer screens are triggering your migraines or causing eye strain, it may be worth considering migraine glasses.
  • Try out migraine glasses: If light sensitivity is one of your triggers, you can try out migraine glasses to see if they are helpful. Many manufacturers offer trial periods or money-back guarantees, so you can test them out before committing.

Benefits of Migraine Glasses

The primary benefit of migraine glasses is that they can help prevent migraines by reducing the amount of light that enters the eye. Migraines are often triggered by bright or flashing lights, so reducing exposure to these types of stimuli can be a game-changer for migraine sufferers.

Migraine glasses can also help reduce eye strain and fatigue, which can be a common problem for people who spend a lot of time in front of screens. By filtering out blue light and reducing glare, migraine glasses can make it easier to work on a computer or read for an extended period without experiencing discomfort.

Additionally, migraine glasses can be worn indoors or outdoors, making them a versatile option for those who want to reduce their exposure to migraine triggers no matter where they are.

Comparison to Sunglasses

While migraine glasses and sunglasses may seem similar, there are some key differences between the two. Sunglasses are designed to block out UV light and reduce glare, while migraine glasses are specifically designed to filter out the specific wavelengths of light that can trigger migraines.

Additionally, sunglasses may not provide enough protection against the types of light that can trigger migraines. For example, some sunglasses may block out UV light but still allow blue light to pass through. Migraine glasses, on the other hand, are specifically designed to filter out both UV and blue light, making them a more effective option for migraine sufferers.

Finally, while sunglasses are often designed for outdoor use, migraine glasses can be worn indoors as well. This makes them a more versatile option for those who want to reduce their exposure to migraine triggers in any environment.

Recommended Migraine Glasses

  • TheraSpecs: a popular brand of migraine glasses that are specifically designed for people with light sensitivity. They have a variety of frame styles and lens colors, including indoor and outdoor options. They are also available with prescription lenses.
  • Axon Optics: another popular brand of migraine glasses that uses precision-tinted lenses to reduce the amount of light that enters the eye. They have a range of styles and lens colors, and also offer prescription lenses.
  • Avulux: this brand has an optical technology filters blue, amber, & red light, while letting soothing green light in, and may help people living with migraine.

I am currently trying Blue Light Blocking glasses, they do help with the strain of working on a computer all day, I hope it leads to fewer migraine attacks! I would recommend to try if you have identified what of your migraine triggers is light sensitivity.

By foggy.brain

Diagnosed with vestibular migraine in 2016, I was totally desperate thinking it was not worth living until I found a solution that has helped me live a normal life!

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