8 Invisible Illness Problems to be Aware off
8 Invisible Illness Problems

The 8 Invisible Illness Problems to be aware off impact the individual’s emotional well-being. It’s truly different from visible illnesses as those around you don’t have the ability to recognize it.

Here you will see a list, if your loved one is suffering from vestibular migraine or any other invisible illness, read carefully.

How we feel

  1. Depression: hopeless, helpless, or worthless.
  2. Anxiety: anxious, worried or stressed. We have an uncertainty of our illness and mostly our ability to manage it.
  3. Anger: angry or frustrated about their condition. A very hard question that can’t be answered is always playing in our brains: Why me? Why now? Why can’t I be normal?
  4. Guilt: we blame ourselves for not being able to function normally and help our loved ones, be there for them and be a support for the family.
  5. Isolation: we feel not understood, we usually get the harmful comment “You don’t look sick”. It is an internal battle that leaves us feeling alone.
  6. Grief: Invisible Chronic illness are life-changing. We lost our old selves. We don’t feel the same and keep remembering the times we used to be normal.
  7. Stress: many stressors in fact: physical, emotional, and financial.
  8. Fatigue: we can’t engage in their normal activities as we used to. What takes no effort to a normal person, someone suffering with vestibular migraine would see as climbing the Everest (i.e. Taking a shower during an attack).


Remember all the feelings are normal and we need to catch them to reframe them in a positive way. Don’t fall into the Self Pity Trap it’s not healthy, instead look for the good and positive. The 8 Invisible Illness Problems to be Aware off are listed so you can identify them in the future.

Remember the tools you have at your disposal, there’s options for you to find relief in your condition. Also I highly recommend to read the Heal your Headache book, it truly gave me my life back.

By foggy.brain

Diagnosed with vestibular migraine in 2016, I was totally desperate thinking it was not worth living until I found a solution that has helped me live a normal life!