5 Risky Activities to Avoid During a Migraine Attack
5 Risky Activities to Avoid During a Migraine Attack

5 Risky Activities to Avoid During a Migraine Attack:certain activities can exacerbate the symptoms and potentially make the headache worse. It is important to be mindful of them and have a plan to manage in advance. Coordinating in advance with friends or loved ones to have support should be on top of mind. Remember you won’t know the date and time of the next attack.

Using electronic devices

Using phones, computers, and tablets can be risky during a migraine attack as the blue light emitted by these devices can cause eye strain and worsen headaches. Additionally, the bright screen of electronic devices can worsen sensitivity to light, which is a common symptom during a migraine attack. Therefore, it is best to avoid using electronic devices or minimize their use as much as possible during a migraine attack. If you have no choice I would recommend the use of migraine glasses.


Strenuous exercise can trigger migraines or worsen symptoms during a migraine attack. This is because exercise increases blood flow to the head, which can worsen headache pain. Additionally, the physical exertion during exercise can cause dehydration, which can further exacerbate migraine symptoms. Therefore, it is best to avoid exercising during a migraine attack and rest instead. Once the symptoms subside or are tolerable I suggest either stretching or yoga to help you relax.


Driving during a migraine attack can be dangerous. The pain, sensitivity to light and sound, can make it difficult to focus on the road. The pain and discomfort associated with a migraine can also make it challenging to maintain a safe driving posture. Therefore, it is best to avoid driving during a migraine attack and find a safe place to rest until the symptoms subside. If you must travel somewhere ask a friend to drive you or use services like Uber.

Engaging in stressful or demanding activities

Activities that are stressful or demanding, such as work or school-related tasks, can be risky during a migraine attack. Stress can exacerbate migraine symptoms and make the headache worse. Additionally, concentration and focus can be impaired during a migraine attack, making it difficult to complete tasks. Therefore, it is best to avoid engaging in stressful or demanding activities and take time to rest until the symptoms subside. If your symptoms are too severe it is probably a good idea to consider applying for government benefits like Disability compensation.

Consuming certain foods or beverages

Certain foods and beverages can trigger migraines or worsen symptoms during a migraine attack. Common triggers include caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, and foods containing high amounts of tyramine such as aged cheese, cured meats, and soy products. It is best to avoid these triggers and stick to a healthy diet during a migraine attack. If you can’t tolerate food during an attack have fresh water or herbal teas handy as it important to keep you hydrated.

In conclusion, activities that are risky to perform during a migraine attack include using electronic devices, exercising, driving, engaging in stressful or demanding activities, and consuming certain foods or beverages. It is important to avoid these activities and prioritize rest and relaxation until the symptoms subside. Also important to develop a network of support that can help you during the times of need.

By foggy.brain

Diagnosed with vestibular migraine in 2016, I was totally desperate thinking it was not worth living until I found a solution that has helped me live a normal life!